
How to apply Herbafertil Recoverytree:
Step 1
Drilling holes at a distance of 2/3 of the radius of the tree canopy from the trunk, with a hand or motor drill, hole diameter 15cm. The drilling depth is 35cm for one Herbafertila Recoverytree bag or, for larger trees, up to depth 70cm (for two bags stacked on top of each other).
Step 2
Placement, ie insertion of biodegradable bags into drilled holes with a flat part upwards, level with the ground, in order to enable the exchange of gasses in the soil.
Step 3
Wrap the soil around the bag, leveling with the surrounding soil level.
Step 4
For trees with severely impaired vitality, repeat the treatment after 2 years.

The secret of Herbafertil Recoverytree:
the appearance of the MOUTH TREE .....
After a year at the site of installation of Herbafertil tree develops a cluster of young roots in the form of a ball weighing about 6-7 kg. With the help of Herbafertil, we created new "mouths of the tree" through which the plant absorbs nutrients from the soil.

Step 1
Digging up the site where Herbafertil was inserted one year earlier.
Step 2
A ball of young roots is now present where the Herbafertil was applied.
Step 3
Appearance of the young root mass.
Step 4
Rinsing the soil from the mouth of the tree.
Step 5
Mass of young roots from the application site of Herbafertil.

Step 1
Drill the hole for planting that is wide enough to accommodate the insertion of Herbafertil.
Step 2
Place biodegradable bag in the hole vertically, level with the ground, facing down, next to the root mass. The flat part of the bag must be facing up.
Step 3
Cover the planting hole with soil to ground level, and press soil down. Do not cover the surface of the bag with soil. Water sapling well.
Step 4
Mulch the entire surface of the planting well with mulch as desired.
How Herbafertil Plantastic mixture is used:
Step 1
Herbafertil Plantastic in bulk, ie big-bag, is applied by adding to the subsoil or existing soil in the field when planting plants. It is added in the required amount, keeping in mind the size of the pot in which the plant is located. It is common to add the Herbafertil Plantastic mixture in the amount of two pots, ie the volume of the pot in which the plant to be planted is delivered.
Step 2
Planting is done in the classic way according to the rules of the profession, taking care that the neck of the seedling is not planted deeper than the surface of the surrounding terrain. With classic substrates for planting seedlings within 6 months plant sinks into the soil about 10-20 cm, which causes a decrease in its vitality and drying. Herbafertil Plantastic expands approx. 10% during planting and watering, so that the seedlings do not sink
Step 3
Mulching the circle around the seedling and protecting the trunk of the tree with oval protective plastic
Step 4
Watering the tree or seedling with plenty of water first in the planting hole before planting, and after planting once more inside the bowl.
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