1) For residential (private) users:

1. We go to field consultations at the invitation of the client:
- we perform an assessment of the condition of plants in the garden or park
- we determine the specific causes of the problem
- we find and propose professional ways to solve the problem
- we make an offer for the implementation of a solution to the problem and its remediation
- We perform professional installation of Herbafertil Recoverytree bags in the root system of a tree or shrub, in the amount needed regarding of the current condition of plant
- We perform professional performance of micro-irrigation of tree roots or shrubs via Herbafertil for faster recovery
- We perform professional installation of plastic green irrigation bags that are manually filled with water and equipped with microdroplets for faster recovery of tree roots or shrubs
- Application of plant growth fertilizer to accelerate root growth and development
- We answer and give advice on practical issues of nature and environmental protection, urban forestry, horticultural profession and arboriculture
- We prune fruit trees, fertilize fruit trees with natural fertilizers, protect fruit trees from diseases and pests
- We prune ornamental trees and shrubs, and we perform fertilization and phytosanitary protection
- Natural fertilizers stimulate healthy plant growth and development.
- We perform professional felling and pruning of trees that endanger buildings or power lines
2) For communal utility enterprises, hotels and companies:

We go to the field consultations on the client’s demand
- we find and propose professional solutions to solve the problems
- we make an offer for the implementation of the proposed solutions
- we perform professional installation of the Herbafertil Recoverytree bags in the root system of a tree or shrub, in the amount needed for recovery and fertilization of the plant
- irrigation of a tree or shrub roots
- We perform professional installation of Herbafertil Recoverytree bags in the root system of a tree or shrub, in the amount needed regarding of the current condition of plant,
- We are suppliers of the Herbafertil Recoverytree bags, Herbafertil Reforest bags and Herbafertil Plantastic big bags.
- We perform professional installation of plastic green irrigation bags that are manually filled with water and equipped with microdroplets for faster recovery of tree roots or shrubs
- We supply Herbafertila Recoverytree bags, Herbafertila Reforest bags and Herbafertila Plantastic big bags.
Let it Grow!
Stimulate lusher growth, longer blooming and better plant fertility today!
Contact us via the online form below.